
Use Case description

The Lisbon Municipality holds a large stock of administrative buildings under its responsibility. Campo Grande 25 is a five-block building, that comprises most part of the municipality’s public services, with around 2000 workers and an average yearly consumption of 3,2 GWh.
In both -1 and -2 floors it is possible to find 45 charging stations, with different charging velocities, from normal and semi-fast options to fast ones, in order to ensure the supply of a fleet of around 100 electric vehicles.
Due to the fact that this is one of the city’s buildings with the highest consumption there is a need to integrate the available resources and technologies to modernize it.
The development of the Lisbon pilot leads to a reduction in the energy consumption and in the CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, as well as a decrease in the energy bill.

Read the leaflet below for further information about how inteGRIDy faces this challenge!


This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268