Use Case description
In the recent years, SOREA, among other DSOs, has observed a number of significant changes in its electrical grid; such as increased electricity consumption, increasing number of producers connected to the network due to liberalization of the electricity market, and integration of intermittent renewable energy sources due to the new objectives in the greenhouse gases emissions. Despite these changes, it is essential that the electricity network meets the consumer requirements and at the same time maintain a high quality of service, balance of supply and demand, and safety of the system.
In this context, three levels of the electricity distribution system architecture need to be addressed in order to update the network services and meet the requirements of safety, quality and stability: the transmission and distribution network, the communication and data collection, and the level of applications and services. The application of smart grid technologies is expected to promote the network modernization on these three levels in order to keep up with the ongoing changes.
Read the leaflet below for further information about how inteGRIDy faces this challenge!