United Kingdom

Working with housing associations, developers and innovators, Synergy Systems Ltd. Minus7 (M7), offers the first building-integrated hybrid heating solution specifically designed for the UK climate. British engineered and BBA approved, the Minus7 System utilizes the best of solar thermal, photovoltaic, heat pump and energy storage technology in one appealingly simple solution. The system works in 3 parts – a roof, solar energy processor which includes a heat pump and thermal stores. All the domestic hot water and heating a building requires is available on demand giving a complete stand-alone heating solution.

Role in InteGRIDy:
The main role of M7 will optimise the grid balancing elements of its zero carbon home heating system and undertake a field trial in 10 properties to test the technical and commercial application of the system. The system will include micro generation of: (i) Heat and (ii) Electricity through embedded PV. The system will use grid electricity to run the heat pump. Furthermore will develop the software and control strategy for a DSM hub in which we can communicate with each system and turn them off and on dependent on electricity load we want added/removed from the grid. Finally M7 will develop the interface protocols to take instruction from the grid and monitor the performance of the system over the period of the project and modify the control strategy and approach to optimize performance.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268