
Founded in 1999, the SME AIGUASOL team is made up of more than 20 professionals with a high level of technical and scientific experience. They include engineers, PhDs, architects and physicists who have notable experience both in private companies and research centres, and distributed among offices in Barcelona, Basque Country, and Santiago de Chile.
AIGUASOL provides engineering and research services, promoting innovative solutions to reduce the impact associated with energy consumption (experience in urban planning, construction, industrial processes and power generation, with a focus on energy planning, savings measures, energy efficiency, process integration and renewable energy implementation). AIGUASOL is the official TRNSYS distributor for Spain and Portugal, and develop energy-advanced tools for third parties. AIGUASOL has participated in several Tasks of the International Energy Agency and is member of the Steering Committee of the ESTTP.
AIGUASOL have a wide experience on energetic plans (i.e. the Barcelona energy improvement plan), building thermal and lighting simulations, and renovation proposals definition and validation through cost optimal analysis (i.e. the TOBEEM project introducing a semi-automatic cost optimal analysis for tertiary buildings, for more than 20,000 scenarios). We also have wide experience on monitoring HVAC systems (both, generation but also distribution and emission elements) in order to understand their operation, and to detect improvements (linked to emulation and simulation techniques) both to substitute physical elements (retrofit) and/or to operate the existing or the new ones in the correct way. Those methodologies are linked to BEMS-BEPS integration.

Role in InteGRIDy:
AIGUASOL will lead of inteGRIDy Modelling Mechanisms for Topology Analysis, DR Flexibility and Storage and will use individual tools developed by CERTH and POLIMNI for the development of a consolidated tool capable of optimizing the commitment and dispatch of an electric power system, including as well aspects of sub-hourly production cost estimates.
The main role of AIGUASOL in the project will be to provide with know-how the consortium on the basis of the simulation tools AIGUASOL mainly uses (Trnsys and Modelica) and identify ways these tools can be integrated or exchange information with the rest of the tools developed (build up of individual modules), towards building a common platform for the detailed analysis of a topology when integrated with DR Flexibility and Storage systems as in the case of demos. Moreover, will support the demo activities in the Sport Centre of Barcelona, under the supervision of GNF, undertaking the roles of engineering and commissioning of the specific demo activity.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268