
SOREA is a local Energy Utility/ Retailer and DSO operating in the Maurienne Valley area in France. SOREA is active in electricity production and distribution and operates its own grid with hydropower and photovoltaic production. The grid supplies 15,000 customers (counters), private people and industry in the Maurienne Valley in France, near the Italian border.
SOREA distributes over 140 GWh of electricity every year, with peak demand of 42 MW (peak power period). 35% of the total annual electricity is produced by renewables, namely PVs and small hydro plants, with the aim to reach 60% in 2020 and 100% in 2030. SOREA supplies more than 14,000 private people (houses and buildings). As an energy supplier to private people, SOREA has to help its customers to better control and try to reduce their energy consumption SOREA has to permanently improve the quality of its grid and supply services by testing and adding new devices or equipment and through new services to customers. An important objective of SOREA is to increase the part of renewable energies from the present 35% (mean annual value) to more than 60% within 4 years. This also requires a better use of energy and a reduction of the energy consumption.
SOREA is also a player in the development of clean transports, including EVs or hydrogen cars and busses, particularly in the Maurienne Valley in connection with the ski resorts.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268